Let our team handle all of the details
Once your website is up and running there will be regular maintenance that needs to be performed in order to keep it operating correctly. If it is a site created by us, or another developer, we can make sure that the site continues to perform as intended.
Tasks requiring regular monitoring
- Theme updates
- Plugin updates
- WordPress updates
- Site backups
- Virus and malware scanning
Read more below.
A theme is the foundation for the complete design of a website. This includes things like typography, color palettes, headers and footers, backgrounds, and page layouts.
A WordPress plugin is a piece of software that “plugs into” your WordPress site. Plugins can add new functionality or extend existing functionality on your site, allowing you to create virtually any kind of website, from ecommerce stores to portfolios to directory sites.
WordPress automatically checks for plugin updates on the WordPress core as well as installed plugins. WordPress highlights available updates in the Dashboard » Updates menu. From there an administrator can re-install and upgrade the WordPress core as well as update any plugins and themes that need updating
WordPress is a content management system (CMS for short). It’s a robust tool for creating and managing your website. Blogs, business websites, personal sites, and ecommerce stores alike can benefit from using WordPress. This platform is run online, meaning you don’t need to download any desktop software to use it.
Site backups
A backup is the main guarantee that your site can be completely restored after any problems and crashes. A site backup helps if you inadvertently delete some important elements, a theme or plugin/module harms your site, or if the website is hacked.
Virus and malware scanning
The objectives of malicious website code can range from stealing sensitive information, disrupting availability, redirecting visitors to spam pages, completely hijacking the website, or even infecting the visitor with some other piece of malware. Performing regular scans and virus signature updates are a critical aspect of keeping your site healthy.